My character will be a (or the fictional equivalent of a) Mesopotamian/Iraqi gender-ambiguous but femme presenting late teen that iconically wears a headscarf. She will be robed in jewellery to evoke a sense of wealth, knowledge and fluidity, as well as the modest. Since she is not Muslim, her inclination to wear hijab religiously isn’t relevant, but she faces the same prejudice if she were.
Her mindset internally reflects and challenges stereotypes for women, particularly surrounding intelligence and sexuality, and more specifically as a result of how people directly perceive her by the way she dresses. I hope that the game (at least implicitly) addresses common misconceptions and traditional representations of women in games. Aside from this, I want to foremost build on her as a complex character, and allow the player to explore through her eyes.
I’ll create a profile for my character and use it as a base to draw from, like a mood-board. I’ve heard that this is a good practice and almost essential for building character. I’ll also use my Pinterest boards (a simple collection of images) for visual inspiration. I never work strictly to this however, so experimenting will be crucial.
I’ll also work with colour schemes and colour theory. This is my favourite way to show character without having to outline it bluntly, and partner it with knowledge of shape and size for her physique. Nailing anatomy to a masterful degree won’t be incredibly relevant. since most of her body will be robed. It will be more useful to study how clothes sit on bodies, and practice drawing folds or fabrics. Jewels and rocks will be important to her design - objects I have never drawn before. I wanted to add this because the hijab as a means of fashion has an incredible range of potential despite most thinking it’s a ‘restriction’. I’d like to think of it as an extension - almost like an accessory but one that has a weighty amount of symbolism and relevance to many’s lives.
As stated before, I hope to fuse all my research and inspiration into one final design. Though the final character is mapped out in my head, the main challenge will be having her interact with a fully functioning and robust storyline/world. It will take much thought to build a complex and unique game concept with such little time, since I set out my main focus on the fashionable and surface level aspects. Unfortunately, I’ve had to focus more on selling and advertising than the storyline since the competition values the visuals more than having a fully written plot. Even though this is best for minimising workload, it means i’ll have greater difficulty designing any cultural (whether it’s fictional or not) patterns, symbols and mechanics that would be integrated into her outfit.
Concerning the hijab, I thought it may be problematic because it seems like i’m taking away from Islam and using it for performative benefit (if people take it from face value). even though it’s set before the religion was discovered. I can easily argue that making a Muslim characters’ appearance the centre of their design defeats exploring them as a complex identity, and reduces them to how people already understand and categorise them, in the same way reducing gay characters to their sexuality is incredibly undermining and is a poor reminder of our heteronormative society alienate them and thus making them seem ‘abnormal’ or simply ‘out of the norm’, bringing uncomfortable and unwanted attention. However, if I could adapt this story further, I’d set it so that the protagonist encounters and befriends a muslim hijabi, but due to time constraints I cant.

My first mindmap covering all the intertwining subjects I wanted to explore in this CMP.
Pinterest. (2021). Pinterest. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2021].
A moodboard I made of any high end and fully clothed models. This was to explore the range in modest clothing and find how people style it. This was especially helpful when I made silhouettes.
Pinterest. (2021). Pinterest. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2021].
This moodboard explores how women style hijab modernly, including cosplay and creatively fusing their interests into it.
Philip Jackson Sculptures. (2019). Gallery, Large Works | Philip Jackson Sculptures. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2021].
I found Philip Jackson sculptures incredibly beautiful. His style and proportions look so enchanting and femenine without exclusively outlining the female anatomy to achieve this. Each statue has an elegant yet majestic stature. Their attire is sculpted so smoothly and delicately and mesh into their environments so masterfully. Again, this was very helpful when studying proportion-style, exploring shape and silhouettes.

My selection of hand drawn simple sketches inspired by my moodboards. Simplifying them to basic shapes helps me be more decisive, as it's much more telling of character than subtle intricacies.

My more narrowed and sharp silhouettes. My favourites were developed into more rigid sketches.
Brafton (2020). 6 Real-Life Target Audience Examples to Help You Define Your Own. [online] Brafton. Available at: [Accessed 8 Jun. 2021].
Since my concept is quite liberal, I’d attract a more liberal audience. This is perfect for the recent scene, where there is an uprising of young activists preaching for further equality and education. There is a lot of commotion surrounding race, religion and cultural appropriation nowadays, so I can use this conversation to promote the game. It could also doubly invite a population of muslim women gamers, which are incredibly underrepresented and ignored, since the stereotypical gamer is white young men (which is an inaccurate generalisation). You would find many of these women on Twitter - a social media platform central to recent politics and important discussions, as well as a hub for sharing content for our fictional interests.
~ Age range: 17-28
~ Gender: 60% women (10% non binary/30% men)
~ Nationality: predominantly American (otherwise global/China & Middle East)
~ Common job titles:
~ Muslim gamers
~ Promotes underground POC media
~ Values diversity, inclusivity and political accuracy especially in media
~ Active in literature/tv/film/music discussions
~ Appreciates the relevance of art in History/propaganda
~ Interest in roles in society
~ Resentment toward games about racism and cultural underrepresentation
~ Too few muslim/modest/undersexualised women characters
~ Gaming Twitter for news updates
~ Instagram infographics for political/social discourse & updates
~ Interest in mobile apps & games
~ Carrds
~ Social media posts
~ Tweets